Must-Have Brand Images for Your Business Website

Regardless of the type of products you sell or services you offer, you must have a website. But what photographs should you put on this website? You have all the right text in place, but are unsure what to do about photographs to attract your ideal client, so read on!

We are visual creatures, so an image is processed much faster than text, which is why photographs are a critical element for any website.

Here are 4 top types branding photograph you need to showcase have on your website.

The Header Image(s)

A header image is the first thing a website visitor will see when landing on your website. It will let people know that they are in the right place. What would you like them to see? Using stock images isn’t a great idea, it will be too generic because if you want the header to be effective, it’s really important to make it specific to your business. You can also combine the image with text if your brand has a standout tagline.

Personal Branding Photographs

It doesn’t matter whether you sell products or offer a service, you should always include several photos of yourself and your team on your website. People are interested to know who they are doing business with. They want to know who that impressive ‘About Me’ copy is referring to. The photos don’t need to be boring headshots either. Your personal branding photos should showcase your personality and highlight your values and what you offer.

The Offering (aka Products or Services)

Include images that promote what you offer. These can be photographs of the products you sell, of if you offer a service, include images of yourself at work, maybe with clients, in your workspace, with your team, or speaking at an event. Get a professional photographer to assist you with photos that tell a clear story of what you do, making your products or services even more appealing.


Behind the Scenes

Lastly, provide website visitors with some behind the scenes photos to draw them into what it’s like to do business with you. This could be anything from what goes on in meetings or your creative space, to what you like to do in your spare time. Give potential customers the chance to really get to know you.

By following these basic guidelines, you can create a visually attractive site that gives potential customers more than just your logo and a list of your products and services.

If you’d like to find out more, book a free enquiry call with me in March and get a free ticket to my social media Content Creation Class.


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Why Photography Still Matters in your Business