LinkedIn tips for 2023

It’s 2023, and LinkedIn is still one of the best platforms for brands. Unfortunately, there are also a lot more professionals to compete with than ever before.

Building your personal brand online can lead to amazing opportunities throughout the year, but how do you ensure your profile stands out?

Here are three tips that will help take your LinkedIn profile to the next level.

Think Twice Before Connecting

From Zoom meetings to in-person events, we meet countless people over the months. We want to connect with new potential clients as well as others within the business world. It is however refreshing to receive an authentic genuine message from someone. The reality is that LinkedIn is known for unwelcome messages and requests to connect. Before you start sending out requests to potential clients or professionals in your industry, consider how you can make the connection more sincere. Do you share any contacts, interests, or passions? If so, create a personalised message that touches on this as a way to spark a real conversation.

Create a Content Plan

People respond to stories, so create a content plan to inspire and engage with your audience regularly. Posting industry-related content is always valuable, but real human stories are far more impactful, and should be a prominent part of your 2023 content plan. Creating a content plan makes it much easier to be consistent with your communication, ensuring potential clients keep you top of mind. To stand out even more, make sure you post a variety of content formats, not just blog posts. Photographs, infographics, and videos are highly effective and engaging. If you’ve recently had a personal branding photoshoot, find ways to incorporate these images into your content, as they will help to increase your engagment.

Become a Part of Your Community

Posting content of your own is just the start. To stand out on LinkedIn, get more involved with your online community. How often are you responding to comments and posts from your connections and the groups you follow? Getting involved in conversations on LinkedIn will boost your presence and profile. Just make sure the conversations are relevant to your specialties and skills.

When used correctly, LinkedIn is an ideal platform for building more authority in your industry. By implementing these simple tactics, there’s no way your profile won’t gain more traction in 2023.

For 36 content post ideas, book onto my upcoming Content Creation Class. Find out more via the link below.


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