3 Ways to Get Rid of Photoshoot nerves

If you’ve never done it before, the thought of being in front of a professional photographer can be rather nerve wracking.

If you are really excited and terrified about your upcoming photo session, there are a few things that you can do to relax and enjoy your session.

This image shows a man in a suit and tie sat in an arm chair with a window behind.

Keep your mind busy

When you’re about to have your photos taken, it’s difficult to not think about how to pose or what you’ll look like on camera, which often makes you act unnaturally. It’s important to remember that it’s your photographer’s job to give you direction as to how to stand, and what to do with your head, arms, hands etc, so you look your best in the pictures. Trust them…it’s their job!

To get the best photos, try to relax as much as possible. To help you do this, start by focusing on your breathe. Take a couple of deep grounding breathes to calm you. Then look at your surroundings. How would you naturally act if you were alone with family and friends in this type of surrounding? Treat your photographer as if they were someone you’ve known forever and that they’re simply spending a few hours with you. I can also help to think ‘happy thoughts.’ Often when we think of things that light us up, it shows on the outside.


Don’t get panicked if there is a quiet moment

During your shoot, there will be moments when your photographer will pause, which can make some people nervous. It is important to keep in mind that your photographer is a professional and there to help you. They are likely dealing with something technical or thinking of their next shot. If they need you to change your pose or do something different, they will let you know. If they don’t, just keep engaging with your surroundings and enjoying yourself.

This image shows Bollywood singer Daman Mahal, during a brand photography shoot, sat on a pair of carriage wheels with a red telephone box in the background.

Be kind to yourself

Even though it can be easier said than done, try not to let critical or negative thoughts take over. If you’re feeling uncertain or self-conscious, take your thoughts back to a positive place. Adopt a fake-it-till-you-make-it mentality and own your photo shoot. You can also think of all the positive things friends and family members say about you to bring yourself back from a spiral of negative thoughts.

You should know that it’s completely normal to feel nervous before and during a photo shoot, but choosing the right photographer, one that makes you feel comfortable and puts you at ease, can make all the difference.

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