How to Create a Stand-Out Website for your business

So you need a website for your business website, but you may be wondering what it should include. Whether you’ve just started building your career as an entrepreneur or you’ve already built up a following on social media, there are a few essentials that you should definitely have on your website.

An Elevator Pitch

When people land on your site, they should get a clear idea of what you offer and what you’re about within a few minutes. Create two or three paragraphs that you can use as an elevator pitch on your website. You can get into more details about yourself further down the page – what you want people to see first is what you can do for them.

Your Portfolio

If you want to give potential clients a reason to do business with you, show them what you’ve done in the past. If you have websites or images that can showcase your past work, include that on your site. If you offer a service, include testimonials from clients that speak to your success, skills, and strengths. You don’t need to include all your work on your site, just the most impressive projects or impactful testimonials.

Make the Visuals Good

Visuals help sell your brand, so make sure they’re good. Include client logos, high-quality photography or animations and a few photos of yourself – you’ll definitely want to hire a professional photographer for this. If you can, avoid stock photos that are generic and have been used on countless other websites. It may well affect your site ranking, but you want to make your visuals unique if you want to stand out.

Tell Them Where to Find You

Besides your website, where else can potential customers find out more about you? Include links to your social media pages, tell them about upcoming events you’ll be involved with or include links to your content on reputable partner sites.

A Blog

Add value to the lives of new and existing clients by including a blog on your site. This gives you a chance to showcase your expertise and position yourself as a true professional in a specific field. You don’t just need to create written content either. Change things up by creating videos, podcasts, and infographics. Just remember to post consistently or your blog will be quite useless.

The elements you need to build an eye-catching website for your brand are simple and accessible. If you don’t have enough content, spend some time building it up before you take your site live. And if you’d like some more information about booking a brand enquiry call to find out how I can help with your website images, send me a message via the link below.


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