Top Tips For Creating Lifestyle Content For Your Personal Brand

Lifestyle content is an integral element to share about your business. It gives your audience a close up and personal view of what your days look like. Lifestyle content is also what gives you and your brand an authentic edge – it’s what will convince more clients to hire and work with you.

If you have been struggling to come up with content ideas or just need some general inspiration, these tips will help.

Alan Clark of Exponential Coaching Ltd leaning against a wall holding a coffee cup with the quote "perfect day!" Taken during a brand shoot with EBM Photography

Showcase Your Daily Routine

If there is one thing that will give potential customers and collaborators a better idea of who you are, it’s documenting your daily routine. You might think this sounds strange, why would anyone want to know about me and my life, but people are nosey. How do you start your day? Do you start your mornings with coffee and a workout? Do you walk your dog?

Where do you spend time working and how do you increase your productivity? Are there specific products you swear by, personally and professionally? What music and podcasts do you listen to during the week? These are all questions that can help you create personalised lifestyle content for your brand.

Your ideal client will resonate with these - “I listen to that too!” “I also do yoga.” When you can find common ground it’s a great steppingstone to start conversations and build relationships.

Update Your Personal Branding Images

Photographs can make for some of the best lifestyle content. If you haven’t worked with a professional photographer in a while, this is the ideal time. Speak to a photographer about your branding story and why you do what you do. Together, you can create a set of images that tell a story, images that show the behind the scenes that you can use as lifestyle content on your blog or social media.

Make sure you are shooting in a lifestyle setting and using props that help tell your story.

Alan Clark from Exponential Coaching Ltd wearing a headset, talking on a zoom call during a recent brand photography shoot.

Turn to Your Favourites

When you need new ideas for lifestyle content that you can personalise, there is always the option of turning to your favourite influencers and entrepreneurs. There is endless inspiration available online, you just have to spend time searching for it. Pinterest is a great resource to find photo ideas for inspiration. You can even turn away from the internet and browse through magazines that are relevant to what you do – you never know what you might find.

Once you have some new ideas for lifestyle content, place them in a content calendar. This way, you are posting and promoting content consistently, keeping your personal brand top of mind within your target audience.

If you’re still struggling for ideas, why not book on to my online Content Creation Class happening on 24th April.


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