Baring All: The Power of Sharing Your Company Culture and Values in Branding
In this post, Colin Nobel from Human Everything delves into the link between sharing your company culture and values in your brand and the importance of effective messaging.
Colin Noble
Start with Why
In the dynamic landscape of business, where competition is fierce and consumer choice is seemingly limitless, establishing a brand that resonates with your target audience has never been more important. The connection between a company and its customers goes beyond the products or services it provides; it extends to the culture and values that define that organisation. In this blog post by ‘Human Everything Ltd’ for EBM Photography we begin to scratch the surface of the significance of showcasing your company culture and values externally through effective branding, drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of business guru Simon Sinek's book "Start with Why."
Simon Sinek's "Start with Why" philosophy emphasizes the importance of communicating the fundamental purpose and beliefs that drive a business. As he famously says;
"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."
This principle is a powerful reminder that in a world saturated with options consumers, suppliers, job seekers and your existing team members, are more likely to connect with a brand that aligns with their own personal values and beliefs. This connection goes beyond a transactional relationship; it builds a sense of loyalty and trust that can withstand market fluctuations and industry changes. It’s the reason that people queue in front of an Apple Store for days to get their hands on the latest phone model – it’s the reason that people will pay more for a specific brand. It’s because they get the “why”.
Human Everything
Human Everything, a company specialising in organisational development and employee engagement, recognises that a company's culture, the way employees behave, collaborate and innovate, is an integral part of its identity. When this culture is aligned with every decision, action and choice within the business, it creates a cohesive narrative that resonates with both internal and external stakeholders. When a business is brave enough to define and understand it’s values and use them to make decisions – rather than choose making a quick buck – that’s when a business is elevated above the noise and stands out to consumers.
When it comes to externalising the company values and culture, branding plays a pivotal role. Your brand is the visual and emotional representation of your business, and it should authentically reflect the essence of what you stand for. EBM Photography, with its expertise in capturing the visual narrative of businesses, understands the profound impact that well-crafted imagery can have on conveying a company's values.
Authenticity & Effective Messaging
In a time when genuine authenticity is considered more reputable than your company history, product, service or revenue – any incongruence, mis-match, between your values, actions and marketing will stand out as a huge red flag for your customers, staff and any potential new clients or team members. Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room… it’s your reputation and what first pops into people’s minds when they hear your name. When there is a misalignment between what you do, what you say and how you display to the world people will notice and vote with their feet.
Imagine a potential customer visiting your website or stumbling upon your social media profiles. What do they see? Is there a consistent visual language that communicates the ethos and behaviours of your company? High-quality brand photography, curated by professionals who understand your values, can be the bridge between your company's internal culture and its external perception. It's not just about showcasing your products or services; it's about telling the story of why you do what you do.
Effective messaging reinforces your company's values and culture in the minds of your audience ensuring that every aspect of your external communication reflects the "why" behind your business.
By embracing Simon Sinek's "Start with Why" philosophy, businesses can create a compelling narrative that goes beyond the products or services they offer and build a loyal following. The external display of company values and culture through branding is not just a marketing strategy; it's a commitment to transparency, authenticity, and building meaningful connections with your audience. So, begin with why, and let your brand be the vessel that carries your business into the hearts and minds of those you aim to serve.
Sinek, S. (2011) Start with Why, Portfolio Penguin.
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