5 Things You Need For A Brand Shoot

Personal brand photos are unique in the sense that they can be customised according to the needs of your business and your personality. However, not all brand photos are created equal. Hiring a professional photographer for your brand shoot is a sound investment in your business. Yes, you do want to look your best, but this isn’t a generic portrait shoot. These photos are meant to tell your brand’s story and sell your strengths.

If you are planning to have a personal brand session, here are a few must-haves.

Specific Goals

It is essential to think about the goal for your shoot before you even start searching for a photographer. Where will your images be used? What kind of story do you want to tell? Is there a specific reason you need a shoot? (ie website refresh, big launch). It is often useful to hire a photographer around the time you start designing your website and marketing materials. This way, your designer(s) can collaborate with your photographer on the types and number of images you’ll need.

A Brand-Appropriate Location

There are so many options to consider when you first start searching for a location for your shoot, but if it doesn’t match your brand style, the photos won’t have the effect you’re hoping for. Think about what feel you want your images to have. For example do the colours complement your brand colours? If you’re not sure which locations would match your style, speak to your photographer about suggestions.

A Shot List

It doesn’t matter how many photos are included in your session, it’s always best to come prepared by thinking about a shot list. Don’t worry if you have no idea where to start! Your photographer will be able to help you once you explain your vision to them. But do think about what types of photos you’d like taken to tell your brand story? The more specific you are, the better your photographer can tell your story.

Droitwich Brand Photography, Images show Lisa & Rachel from Access Educational Provision Ltd looking at a laptop.

ClothES That Makes You Feel Your Best

There are a lot of routes you can take with your photoshoot outfit but ultimately, you need to wear whatever makes you look and feel great. Since style is so subjective, it’s difficult to give specific suggestions. Just make sure that your outfit portrays the right image and doesn’t clash with your brand colours.

Interesting Props

Props can really make a personal branding shoot much more fun and interesting. Choose props that add to your brand’s story and showcase your unique personality. You want to use props that help you stand out from the crowd but won’t draw attention away from you in a shot.

By being more prepared and organised for your personal branding photoshoot, you can make the most of your investment.

I hope you’ve found this post useful. If you’d like to book a call to find out more about how brand photography can help you in your business, click on the link below.


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